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环氧树脂防静电地板EPOXY RESIN XEEF-LEVELING FLOOR电子、微电子、通讯、计算机、精密仪器、纺织、印刷、粉体、化学、有机溶剂、瓦斯等一切需要抗静电的工厂的墙面、地坪及储油罐。[详细介绍]
For wall surface and ground of electronics works, chemical works, electrical machinery plant, and oiltank etc. -
环氧树脂玻纤自流平地板EPOXY RESIN FIBERGLASS SEEF-LEVEL.要求加强抗压拉力的水泥地面或防强酸、强碱化学溶剂腐蚀的地面及排水沟。碱水池的面层或环氧砂浆面层,块材面层与地面和隔离层。Suitible for chemical tanks, cesspool foodstuff factory, refigeratory room etc.[详细介绍]
非焦油聚氨酯防水工程 EPOXY RESlN WATER –BASE FLOOR非焦油聚氨酯防水涂料是双组份固化反应防水涂料,A组份是以聚醚树脂和二异氰酸酯等经聚合反应制成的预聚物,B组份由硫化剂、催化剂、树脂等多种助剂精制而成。A、B组份按一定配合比例混合搅拌均匀后,涂刮在基面上,经固化后形成一种低毒性、低异味,整体而富有弹性的防水胶膜Non-tar polyurethane waterproof coating is a kind[详细介绍]
of waterproof coating of bi-component cure reaction,
A component is the prepolymer produced by polymerization reaction between polyether resins and diisocyanate;
and B-component is produced by various assistants including vulcanizing agent, catalytic agent and resin. Aand B-component are well mixed in accordance with a certain proportion, coated on the
base plane and formed the waterproof coating with low toxicity,
low peculiar smell and complete elasticity after curing. -
水泥自流平地板EPOXY RESIN SCUMBLING FLOOR本数据是在实验室条件下获取的,会与施工现场获得的实际数据有所差异.The data obtained in laboratory conditions,and the construction site was different from actual data.[详细介绍]
环氧树脂水性地板EPOXY RESIN WATER-BASE FLOOR完全水基系统,无任何环境损害微透气之结构,不惧地下湿气涂层抗压耐磨,可适合中等载荷[详细介绍]
Complete Water base system,without the structure which will ruin the environment;Do not fear any damp, bear medium load